BigBoysworld - some ads

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Vote or die!
BigBoy-the magazine
Stunts, Pain & Fun
some ads
BigBoys daily report
Neulich im TS
We are sorry for...!
Fan-Mails, the cream of the crop!
Behind the Scenes

The pictures and clips are exclusive post-cured material from bigboy-productions. The producers of BigBoy must insist that no one attempt to re-anact any of these stunts or activities! We did not hurt animals in this show. And you shouldn't neither!


Because we're poor and dirty people who needs to pay there therapists we have to do some advertisement. But don't worry, its all about cool stuff so you don't have to look at some boring crapy-advert.
Because we owe some guys from a party something we had to put some of their stuff in here too. Please accept our apalogize for this embarrassing photos. 
Jacky and Josh put some stuff of them in here too so its not all bad.

Steve-O's Movie "Pow"
posted by:

Hello everyone!
I tryed to post some of my personal stuff in here but it didn't work out so I make some ad creep for Steve-O.
I'm sorry to say that but I really never watched this movie. Its a shame, I admit it. But I bet its good! So maby you have some time to watch this. If yes, than go get the fucking DVD and watch it!

Love, Jacky

PS: I believe I saw the trailer and I also believe I saw Bam and WeeMan in it. Maby I'm not such a terrible person at all, ha ha ha...

Join the club and get high!
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Yeah, it is true, drugs are a part of our lifes and we all have to accept that. We're not really good in taking drugs but we try our best.
Kurt Cobain is one of my favourite singers and a pretty messed up but also cool guy. We all were very sad when he died but, hey, what can you do? So we made this picture to let all potheads know: you're not alone!

Bamback Mountain
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Many people think this is a joke but it absolutely isn't! This movie really excist. Its on a hidden site on the internet. You have to search really hard to find it. But if you find it you'll be lucky to watch it and you'll laugh and/or cry. 
We watched that short movie two years ago by chance and cracked up in front of the computer. It was just an halairious idea for a movie-rid!

Skate or die
posted by:

Our front-logo is the most simple and most successful photo we did. It was on all websites we ever created because it catchs in the main thing of our programming so good. This was actually the stuff we wanted to write about in the first place. But things changed after Josh and Jacky joined our team. After that is was a matter of time since the magazine turned into a jackass-magazine. And now it is what it is.
But we still using this photo because its like a naturalised thing and just normal for the old fans of our magazine.

Oh Sweet Johnny!
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Hey everybody!
Yes, thats right, this is the famous Johnny Knoxville! I found this picture on and showed it Markus after I put this sentence "we all started little" in it. And he actually put it in the magazine! I was so happy! Well, it was one of my first spontane creations and I was so proud. 
When I showed it up to my friends they didn't even know who this was. I recognized him instantly. I guess because I'm crazy about him...
Anyway, I'm still proud of this and when I'm in a bad mood I just take a look at this picture and I have to smile.

bye, Jacky

Take it easy, like Knoxville
posted by:

Hey everyone!
I gotta say, this picture is so much more that it looks like! When I first saw it I was like: "Oh my god, thats such a happy and easy-going picture!". And I'm still thinking that by watching this photo.
Johnny means a lot to me and he still is my idol with regard to jackass.
This photo is from too. I hope you can forgive me, Johnny, for copy and abusing your nice bubble-picture! Ha ha...
No no, I really mean I'm happy to have you on my list in and I'm glad you're take almost everything easy like this.

Love, Jacky

posted by:

Of course we have to thank our peers at NY a lot for their brilliant work and their really good drafts. Our pages and our magazine wouldn't be so succesful without you.
And thats the reason why we make some advertisement for ya so you get your casualties back and have some more people join your great page on the internet! Some of our crew-members are on and they love what you guys are doing there. You guys are inspiration for us and made our work a lot easier for some of us (especially Jacky!).
So thank you guys and keep going that way! We love you! (not in the gay sence)


"I'd rather go naked than wear fur!"
posted by:

Sure, Steve-O is a crazy dude with some really hard problems he has do deal with. But he is a good person who cares about animaltreatment and stuff like that.
He talked about circus ones and opened our eyes about it. Not many people know about this horrible stuff wich goes down behind the curtain but he was at the circus so he sure knows! And its nothing to be happy about, its some really shocking stuff we had to see...
And ones again he made his point and we all going with him in this way. And you should do the same damn thing!

The Dark Knight - just one dude who impressed me!
posted by:

Oh yeah, that's right, I watched it! And you know what? It was a good movie. But more important is, that I watched the movie just because of one special person: the joker.
I read that he played this character so well that I had to watch it. I saw the trailer and I was like "Wow! What a great actor!"
I saw the movie a hundred times now and I never get sick of the joker. He is excactly the kind of villain I love and thats why I'm crazy after him! HaHaHa
I'll make some more advertisement when this crappy programm accept my pictures I loaded up...till that: WATCH THIS MOVIE!

Love, Jacky

Bald ist es soweit!
posted by:

Oh yeah its coming...! You wanna know what? Well, for that you have to wait a little more till November. Its something we all eprissiate and love. Something special and big...

Ok I'll give ya a little tip:

Its on national television and its something with Stefan Raab.

Maby you catch on now. Its a very special day here for Josh, Jacky, Bastian and me. More than superbowl in the USA or EM in germany! Maby its silly but its more fun than soccer for sure...

Oh yeah and some more with Stefan Raab is coming soon! TVTotal Stockcar Crashchallenge and TVTotal Turmspringen comes the next weeks. We're all very excited about that and hope you're watching too.


Es wird kommen!
posted by:

Wooohoooo! Yeah man, I'm excited! Stefan Raab did it again and some cool and funny events are coming soon at Pro7. We're all very dither about that and can't wait to see that.
Tomorrow the first event starts with a big BOOM and much water. The TVTotal Turmspringen gets into our livingrooms and its going to kick ass!
Raab finally announced his partner for the synchronous part: ELTON! Of course he picked him, wouldn't be the same without our little blubberbutt. HarHarHar!
We hope you will join us watching this great event and spend one night in front of the TV. Have fun ladies!

Love, Jacky

Scars for life
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Yeah we can sing a song about that too huh?! This picture is excactly what Jackass is about and it should warn you kids out there because some of us have such "scars for life" yet! Its not a great feeling but its like a remind on the old, gnarly days with some good crazy friends.
Anyway it shouldn't make you feel like you have to do that kinda stuff too just to proofe something. Jacky did that too and look how's she doin today! She got backache, scars, a banjaxed foot and mental illness. I wouldn't do that except you wanna end like her......


Get crazy - newest logo
posted by: Markus

This is our newest front logo we put on everything we could. Isn't that some good advertisement for our page?! I think it is. The Joker was number1 topic at almost every page we got so we used him for us.
And by the way, Jacky was so happy about that I think she kissed the dog when we showed her the picture! She still loves the Joker and so she was more than happy to have him on our front logo.


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Element rules the life from some of our team. Some people really grew up with this great skate-brand and would never say something against it. But at our office some people are on the Volcom side. So it regular gets little fights here. Nothing serious, just little fights. Of course no one wants to defraud his skate-brand and thats the reason why they started a prank war for life! The teams were obvious: 

Element - Timo, Jacky, Ben, Stefan   
Volcom -   Frank, Simon, Mike, Michi

Its fun to watch them playing pranks to each other but sometimes i think they're getting to far. And i'm afraid this all will end up in a pretty dirty and mean battle.....but god knows when that will be!


Vollidiot - a great book to read if you're lazy like Iam
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This book is one of my favourites. At some parts it really discribes my own pethatic life so its obvious that i like that book. And a gotta admit at this point: i like to read. sHaMe oN Me!!!!! Nah i don't read novels or crap like that, i like to read thriller and stuff. But at the moment i just don't have enough time to read......
Anyway but i found this picture at my computer and i thought i could let ya know about my dark secret with books. But many of us like reading, but the books we're reading are a little bit different than from normal people. Another great book i know is "Ladezeit". Its about computers and stuff and i like the guys who wrote it.
Just go get these books and maybe you'll like 'em too. Good luck with that and if ya don't like 'em than GO TO HELL

Love, Jacky

I'm mellow.........
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Usually i'm not into this baby-cute-gutschigutschigu-crap but this picture is just awesome. It reminds me at my dad before he became an asshole. I think i even got a similar photo somewhere...i don't know but when i saw that picture on a website it just threw me back into better times when i was a child. Sounds stupid but that's how it is.
Maybe some of you can understand me. I always have to save such pictures on my pc so maybe you can imagine how full my folders are!

this photo is property from

Welcome to! We got everything
you wanna know about jackass and skatestuff. So
enjoy it!

Some new Events are coming in 2009! Don't miss it, the adress and more infos are on the site

The Motorcicle-stunt
Will she or wont she? Well, Jacky will tell ya. We gave her a videocamera and she made a little clip for you to apalogize.

GuitarHero blew all of us away and kicked ass! We played it for straight a week and look what came out...

An X-Mas special is coming this year, what a surprise for all of us

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