BigBoysworld - We are sorry for...!

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We are sorry for...!
Fan-Mails, the cream of the crop!
Behind the Scenes

The pictures and clips are exclusive post-cured material from bigboy-productions. The producers of BigBoy must insist that no one attempt to re-anact any of these stunts or activities! We did not hurt animals in this show. And you shouldn't neither!

Yes, thats right, we are sorry for some things we said or we did and this is our way to say "I'm sorry!". Of course, not everyone knows about that stuff we did. But some very devoted fans know that kinda stuff because they were with us and watched our initially clips and photos. So just read and enjoy!

I'm sorry for...
being such an asshole to my victims at the show!
posted by: Ralf
So I guess I make the first one here. I'm very sorry for being such an asshole at the set and at work. Especially Jacky and Josh know about that very good...but I'm the director so I can do whatever I want. Thats a bad "drug" at showbis so I guess I just got on this drug and made the work that much difficult for them.
But even though they kept working and made our show that much funny they could. I really epressiate that and I wanna thank you for being that cool about that!


I'm sorry for...
kicking Alex' ass last week at game-night!
posted by: Jacky

I'm not really sorry for that but I guess to keep our friendship going I have to do this.
So I'm sorry and I apologize for beeting you that night constantly. Actually I'm not so good in such things but I guess I just had luck that night. I'm a girl, what'd you expect from those?? Ha ha...

Love, Jacky

I'm sorry for....
being so selfish over the last year!
posted by: Olli

Its true, I can be really selfish. I didn't noticed a thing till Ralf and Jacky laughed at me after I yelled at Constantin and told me I'm a pretty good bastard. That really shaked me and I started to think about what I did over the last six month. And believe me, nothing good came out! Everyone I asked told me the same: "You're the second Arthur Spooner!". (in case you don't know who that is, he's a character of a TV-show)
So I apologize and hope everyone will work with me again in september!

I'm sorry for...
...forgot to give up a statement to the "sexy-fan" contest!
posted by: Josh

I know, I'm a big bastard! But please understand, I'm at my sisters house right now so I can't write something cool about the "sexy-fan" contest! But I promise to write something about it next week when I'll come home! Hope thats enough...

I'm sorry for...
...left without saying "goodbye"!
posted by: Ralf

Wasn't the worst thing I've ever done but it sure was rude. So I apologize to everyone who was still there when I left. That would be Denise, Katja, Ben, Ronald,...and some more guys but I don't know who excactly.

Welcome to! We got everything
you wanna know about jackass and skatestuff. So
enjoy it!

Some new Events are coming in 2009! Don't miss it, the adress and more infos are on the site

The Motorcicle-stunt
Will she or wont she? Well, Jacky will tell ya. We gave her a videocamera and she made a little clip for you to apalogize.

GuitarHero blew all of us away and kicked ass! We played it for straight a week and look what came out...

An X-Mas special is coming this year, what a surprise for all of us

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