BigBoysworld - BigBoys daily report

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Behind the Scenes

The pictures and clips are exclusive post-cured material from bigboy-productions. The producers of BigBoy must insist that no one attempt to re-anact any of these stunts or activities! We did not hurt animals in this show. And you shouldn't neither!

To make this all more interessting for you we decieded to put a daily jackass-report in here so you can see whats happening in everyones freetime or at the office. Of course the whole crew is able to put stuff in here but not everyone have a filled and funny life so we sort out the best storys.
Principle is easy: if you took a funny photo of a funny, scary or sketchy situation you're shalt to put it in here. Write an explanation nether the picture and you're ready! Hope you all have fun to read this!

Big Crash
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I found this picture in our office-computer and it looks so terrible and also so cool...and you can see the citys on the traffic sign pretty good too. 
The thing is, we just drove excactly there three month ago to see our friends C-Yike on stage. I remebered the picture so I uploaded it on my laptop and showed the guys who were with me in the car. It was kinda weird to watch this by driving excactly that area but it was also very funny so I had to put this picture in here. 

Potheads attention please!
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This was a picture we put in one issue of our magazine for all potheads who are fans of us. And it really came through and of course we got in trouble with it! Poorly we had to erase it after a week but, who cares!?, it was a week in it so our job was served. 
Anyway, it was a whole lot of fun to create this picture and we gotta thank the real creaters of the picture for this perfect pattern. 
By the way, we put this picture on another website too so if you want to see the short-movie to this picture go to the site (the adress is on the kontakt-site).

Look at this!
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Hey everybody!
I just found this picture on my computer. A friend sent it to me a long time ago. I really deliberated if I had my own radio-show. But it never happened so I totally forgot about this picture.
But now its in here and I'm starting to think about my radio-show-idea again...maby I should have one and put it on youtube or something. I just talked with Markus from our team and he said its not that terrible idea so he thinks it over. Maby you'll see me on a special radio-show on this site,
ha ha...

Love, Jacky

Our neighbours dog
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This dog always runs away from home. Poorly he gets in our backyard everytime and I have to take him back home. My girlfriend hates it. She is so terrified of this dog because he bit Jacky once. But he is actually pretty harmless. 
Now our neighbours chained him up in their yard so he can't run away anymore. But now he is so unhappy that he barks the whole day and terriefies our cat. The neighbourhood is now a living concert for dogs and we have to run around with pegs in the ears. 
Yesterday Basti and Jacky came by and they tried to still him but that made him just more wilder and impatient. They had a good laugh because of the barking and skittish dog who jumped around and almost ripped his leash. 
Today its quiet here but this summer is gonna be very loud! 

(photo by: Andre Schreiner)

Nintendogz are gay
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Yeah, thats right, someone of us actually has this stupid and really anoying game. And this one would be Jacky. She bought this when it came out and played it maby three times. The dogs gettin to anoying so she couldn't do it anymore.
When we went to her we ask her about this and she actually said: Nintendogs are gay!
A really smart way to discribe this game. And we had to play it of course. But the dogs didn't like us at first but that's one of the things we easily ignore. So we bath the dogs, played with them and offend them.
It was lots of fun and so I thought it would be nice to put this picture we took in here and tell you guys about this stupid sissy-game.

(photo by: Markus B.)

My dog the water rat
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This is my dog Tylor when he was 10 month old. We went out to a sea because the weather was good and this was his first big trip with me and my girlfriend. At first he was a little scared of the water but when we went swimming he overcames his fear and jumped into the sea too. But what he didn't expect was that it was pretty deep and also very cold. He started whimper and tryed to get onto that path. But it was weigh to high. Than he did the stupidiest thing I ever saw a dog did. He swam under the path so we couldn't get him out of the water. I tryed to call him but he was in such a panik he didn't realized me. Finally I swam under the path and yanked him out of that. I swam to the bank so he knows the next time how to get on land. The funny thing is that he wasn't scared of water after that at all! Five minutes later he ran into the water again and jumped around like a maniac. This picture was when he got tired and finally came out to sleep a little under the wooden tables.
Yeah and he didn't changed at all. He is exactly the same today when he was then. Only much bigger and older.

(photo by: Basti S.)

Meanest dog we ever seen
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  Guess what happened in the middle of nowhere after our car broke down. We were supposed to get to a show our boss invited us to but then this peace of shit just broke down when we were on a lonely street with no indication of human beeing. It was horrible!
We were searching for someone who could help us out and find after one mile a left court. A car standed right in front of this big fence so we decieded to get in there. But that was a big mistake! A dog on the court started barking but he was on a leach so he couldn't get us. But when I turned around we saw another dog on the other site of the fence. You might think: "He's on the other site, so what the hell!?" but don't think he can't come get us! He just took a big inrun and jumped on a peace of wood. From that he jumped over the fence and came at us. 
Jesus christ man, we were in big trouble! We started running and screamed for some help. Finally, when the dog almost got our asses, a man came out of the old, crappy ramshackle hut. He whistle the dog back and saved us luckly. 
He couldn't fix up our car but he had a phone so we could call for some help. Man that was not funny at all!
By the way, we took the picture when we were about to leave. We ask the man if he could let his dog do that trick again for a picture because it looked so cool. He laughed and told his dog to do it again. Thank god he wont came at us after that!

Lina on the road
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I wanna tell ya something about the cutest girl I know and by the way the only kid i really love! Lina. She is the cuetest kid I ever met. She is the daughter of a friend of mine and I was suppose to watch her one night. But that doesn't work out so good...
Anyway, she is a little pistol and knows how to push me and drive me crazy. That one time I was alone with her and my friend Basti at her parents house to watch her. We blew up some watertoys for her and her two friends to play with in the pool. When we were ready I went inside to get some Hagen Daz for us. When I was in the kitchen I heard some noise from outsite. When the belt ring I got to the door and some policemen came in and ran into the livingroom.
I was pretty confuse but I tried to keep it down so the kids don't got in panik. The policeman talked to me very angry and loud and I really didn't know what he was talking about. I just told him to tone the voice down a little because we have some kids in the pool. But he kept going even when Basti came inside to see whats going on.
Other kids would freaked out when they see that and maby would starting to cry. But not Lina. She and her friends were cracking up outside in the pool because she thought it was a joke as usual (everytime I get to them I play jokes on them so she didn't believe me some day anymore).
I called to her: "Lina, please, I'm in trouble, for god sakes, behave this one time!" This was met by more giggling.
The whole story was clear up when another two officers came in the house and told them they had the wrong adress. I finally catched it and was pretty relieved.
The officers were very cool about the whole thing and apologized at us a hundred times. They asked the girls many times if they're ok but they had their fun for sure!. It was a whole lot of fun to her.
Anyway, the girls got their Hagen Daz and we all had a fun day after all.
Even though she laughed at me I wasn't grumpy at all. I dragged her under water a hundred times so I got her back. Ha ha ha!

Love, Jacky

The grandpa of our dogs
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Hey @ all!
This is Opi. He is a dog from my friend Sascha. He got him from the animalshelter 6 years ago. I took this picture a week ago when I was at Saschas house and slept there. This was the next morning when we had breakfast outside on their beautiful patio. It was so warm outside that morning that we had to drink like 10 waterbottles!
This dog means a lot to all of us because he took place as the grandfather of all our dogs. This happened two or three years ago when we had to stay at his house to 3 a.m. because the streets were flooded and we couldn't got home. Almost everyone had their dog with and we all sat in Saschas livingroom, drank coffee and ate cookies. It was a funny situation so we took it easy and had fun till we could got home.
The main thing happened when the dogs started barking because one of Saschas neighbourse went outside because the fence broke and ran into Saschas yard. Opi just barked one deep and grumpy bay and layed down next to the couch. And believe it or not, one after another dog came to him and layed next to Opi. It was the most fucked up thing I've ever saw! But at that moment it was hilarious.
So thank you Opi for keep our dogs down and thank you also for being so nice and cuet to us! Its not unusual that dogs get insane when they're with us a while...
Opi, you're the best!


(photo of: Basti S.)

Opi again at the studio
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Hey again!
Yeah, thats right, I got another sweet photo of our lil grandpa. That is at our studio when we had this little contest about "unsexyiest jackass". Opi was there and was met for the first by Jacky and Josh. And it was true love, believe me. 
Jacky isn't that good with dogs. Most dogs can't stand that she is who she is so they bite her or drag her down pretty hard. But she got used to it and didn't complained about the dogs around her at all.
But when she and Josh met Opi it was true love. Opi licked up her face and rolled on the floor when they were fondle him.
Of course not every dog hates her. But most dogs do so she got a little iffy when this dog was so nice to her.
Poorly we had to do this contest and had not that much time for Opi. But he was waitin' and slept for a few hours without troubling us. He is just the best!


(photo by: Markus B.)

The dead bird
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Hey everyone!
Look what I just found deep deep inside of my computer. Its a familypicture when we went to Sweden. The funny thing about this is that I just found a dead swan. And even funnier is that I pick at it excactly when the photo was taken and nobody noticed it. Normaly my family is like: "Ewww! Don't do that, that's disgusting!!" But luckily no one looked at me and just when I said: "Look! The bowels coming out!" my Mom freaked out.
I cracked up so much when I found it and I was so happy that this site gives me the chance to make this picture actually a little bit popular...

PS: I'm sorry it took me so long but I have a lot of stuff to do and not much time to write in here every day...just wait till september when I come back from vacation.

Love, Jacky

(photo by: W. Johannsen)

My new worksituation
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Hey everybody!
No, I'm not going to kill myself, that's my new worksituation I have to deal with. For the next big cover-shoot I have to lay down on to those rails like Oliver Pocher did in "Vollidiot" (its a german movie) and wait for the next train. I hope they'll close the trains way first because I don't want to die that way.
This shooting will be in two weeks. Yes, I have holidays but my bosses are so into this and bagged me to offer one or two days for this shooting so I agreed of course and now I have to lay down there. What a nice new worksituation, isn't it!? Ha ha ha...
So I hope you guys are happy now because so many fans wrote into our guestbook that they want Josh and me stay. Well, we don't but here you go I'll make this photoshoot for you guys and hope that enough till september...

Love, Jacky

PS: Greeting from lil Joshi. He's fine and enjoys a nice week at Mallorca. He don't want to come back and said "Fuck you!" when Markus ask him for this shooting. Nice going Josh, I wish I was that firm...

Crazy dog, you'll be mine!
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This is my future dog! Sorry for the bad quality, this photo was taken with my cellphone...
His name is Flake and he is from the animal shelter. I decieded to have a dog after my dog died 2 years ago. So I visited with Constantin this animal shelter and I found him. Flake. He is such a cuet and crazy dog so I had to get him. In 2 weeks he is mine.
Of course I asked if its ok that he is surrounded by jackasses for the rest of his life but she said it would be ok as long they're all nice to him.
So now its official: we have a new dog in our pack! Hope the other dogs accept him...

The EVIL has a face!
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Guess what Malex allowed me to put in here! Yes, this is his cat Diva. She is a mean cat but also very cool and reason. 
She is a pretty cat and very lady-like. And probably thats why Jacky and I got attacked by her so often, because she can't deal with such idiots!
But she got used to us and can stand us. I just hope so...I don't think I wanna get attacked by her again!
But when Jacky comes by she get scratches everytime. And that though she has cats! But I guess her cats are that distracted as her...


Jacky on holidays
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This is how vacation should look like. Beach, sunshine, beach chairs,...but poorly this picture is from 2007. I put it in here because she sent this to me and said: "This is not a current photo but its excactly how it looks here!" Yes, thats true, she is on the beach.
But not for long, she come back this week. She was there just for a weekend. But even though, she's lucky! Have fun in your holidays, Jacky!


Pablo, the most enoying dog ever
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Hello everyone!
This is Pablo, a dog of a couple me, Constantin and Jacky know. They live in cologne and they were here for a week. Of course they wanted to see us so they came by at the office. Jacky was happy to see them but Pablo was even more happy. He barked for 1 houre and no one could shut him down. This is why I decieded to take a picture of him while he's barking.
We had a lot of fun that day. So Jacky stayed at my house so we could drink a little and talk a bit more. But she was glad to get home the next day because the dog barked everytime he heared something at the floor or outside. It was horrible...


Romeo when he was a puppy
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Do you remember Romeo? I wrote about him when he bit Jacky. And look what the farmer gave me: Romeo as a puppy! Isn't he cuet? And look at him now, he's a maniac.
But the farmer told us that he isn't so bad at all. He's just that way when he remark something like this and than he is upset for sure. But when Romeo is inside if the house he is a normal dog. Well, not that normal but he wouldn't attack you when you pass him.
But we wont find out because Jacky don't want to get back there. What a pitty...

My little pussy
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Heyy everybody!
So everyone wrote something about their pets so I guess I have to do it too. Well, this is my cat Holly. She is the normal one. My other cat Mila is the maniac. 
Holly has the very weird affect to sneak into every cave she can find and stay there as long as she can. The dryer was just one little adventure. 
She loves my mothers cabinet so she learned to open the drawers so she can get into it without us noticing. She's pretty smart. 
  My cats like to wrestle and they fight so much because they're not sterelized yet. But I don't want to sterelize them because they'll change than and I don't want that...
Anyway, they're very happy and right now they play at the balcony with a fly. 

Little Tinto among the idiot-crew
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This is Tinto, a little dog with a big heart. He owns to Jenny, a girl who was complecated to one of a friend of us.
Most dogs are not so good with all of us, unless they grow up with us. But this cuet little fellow has a big heart, aspecially for our lil bad-hair-chick. Jacky met him at a LAN-party for the first time and it was true love. This little buddy stucked to her for the whole night. He slept to her feed under the table and run after her the whole time.
We thought it would be nice to enternelize him in here because he deserve it. He's just such a good dog and love to be with us jackassfreaks. So we all hope you be fine and we'll see you soon!

Catering from and for Jacky
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Well, that looks like good catering, doesn't it? And its true, thats all our lil bad-hair-chick needs to survive in this crazy jackassworld. So she brought this stuff to Felix' house on her last day at work. She was suppose to eat something horrible we made for her to start funny in the holidays.
And that wasn't the first time she made a little package for someone. Yeah, everyone who really means something to her got a little package at least. Basti got a bottle of Bacardi, a ciggy and a PlayBoy. Markus got some aspirin, a sub from subway and the newspaper. And I got a ciggy, the playboy and some dressing material like she gave to herself.
Normally our "jews" at work do the catering for everyone. They make such packages for every single person. But that one time Jacky showed them how she wants her packages from now on and now she gets better packages than anyone else...stupid bitch.
Anyway, when she arrived at Felix' house that one day she was like: "Ok pussys, make yourself ready to freak out! I got my own stuff here."
After she ate what we made for her (I can't tell ya what because its in our future movie) she said goodbye to everyone and went to a friend for sleep-over.
Yes, that was the last time I've seen her...poorly because I know she enjoys every second without us right now. But I gotta say, Jacky, you make the best catering ever!

Love, Josh

Greetings from your lil chick
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Greetings my lovely fellows! I hope you enjoy the time of silence...I guess after this summer its going to be worst than before.
Iam at home right now but I will drive to a friend by tuesday. I'm really sorry I didn't wrote in here for such a long time but, hey, I got a life! And its great weather here so I wasn't at home for the most time.
Sure, I read the commentary and I want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for your lovely and sweet comments. I had a good laugh with a friend while reading you funny posts!
I got an e-mail last week by a college from Falk and he told us Josh and I were suppose to make an interview about some TV-shows for this summer.
"Poorly" Josh and I aren't at home this summer so we had to give it a pass. But I read the programms for this summer and I have to say: "Iam so happy I'm not at home to watch this crap!!"
Me and my friends do the only right thing for this bad situation, we're watching movies and playing games if its bad weather. Otherwise we're outside and enjoy the summer. And you should do the same god damn thing!! Its summer for god sakes...

Love, Jacky

Finally he's here!!
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I picked my crazy little dog up a couple a days ago. He was a bit excited so he puked into my Van but thats ok I had to clean it up anyway. My girlfriend likes him a lot. They're out together right now by the way.
Flake settled down pretty fast and took the sofa to his property. He likes our neighbours dog a lot and played with him yesterday in our yard. He loves the lawn sprinkler so much!!
In two weeks I'll bring him to the office so he meets the whole crew and hopefully get used to them. I'm excited!

The Simpsons Art Contest
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Maby a few people remebmer the "Simpsons Art Constest" on the old page. It was one of the first contest ever. Maby even the very first one...the thing is that just a few people joined that contest and the winner was this picture. We don't know if this person really made this brilliant picture but it was the winner.
Last week I found this picture and I thought it would be nice to put it in here to remember the old times...


Evil Knievel - Will she or wont she?
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She was suppose to jump over a 3 yard big hill a few month ago but she didn't. It was a big thing here at the office and it was in progress since march. At first Josh was suppose to do it but he wont so we made Jacky to do it.
But at the end she didn't jump. But why? Many people wrote us mails and asked about this motocicle-jump and why Jacky wont do it anymore. But we had a bit trouble here at that time so we decieded to let this thing go and wait till her vacation is over.
The reason why she didn't jump was a money-thing. We can't tell ya more but I hope thats enough for now.
We talked about this a week ago and wanted to give it a second try. Jacky isn't sure yet if she really wanna jump. In september we'll make a special to this and maby she will do it than. But by then you have to wait.

Opi with his whole family
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I went down to Celinas house yesterday and look who hailed me: Opi and his little family. They were on the front door when I came by and he was happy to see me. Actually he's happy to see any people but I guess he remembered me.
These three pets are the best team I've ever saw! When we got inside they did something to got into the kitchen. The cat could go inside so she walks through the little catdoor. Than she jumps onto the kitchens bar and opened the door for the dogs.
Please don't ask me why because I couldn't tell ya. I was just impressed! My dog can't sit down when I told him...its just depressing.
Anyway, it just was hilarious to watch the trio and I hope I'll get there soon again.


Greetings again!
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Yeah, that's right, I didn't got away from this crappy sucker-town cause of some private problems. But that wasn't so badly at all because look at this! We went outside if the sun was shining and enjoyed the weather. And it was really fun.
Some of you asked were Josh and I spend our vacation and how long the summerbreak will take. Ok, first of all, we don't spending our vacation together! You have to be a totally idiot if you spend your holidays with your friends from work. I mean, sorry if someone does it but, come one! I try to forget work and everything but they wont let me. I got a hundred calls in the first month. I really got mad about it because I wanted to enjoy holidays.
Yes, its right, I had my 18th birthday a few days ago. So from now on my life will take a bad turn...ha ha ha! Now I'm responsible for everything I do...WooooHooooo! It'll not easy for me to take that kinda charge for myself.
Very more important is the fact that some assholes talked me into this stupid stunt with the motorcicle again. That means, this time I'm responsible for myself! Man, to be 18 sucks so bad...!
But some good stuff is in the 18-year-old-package too. I finally can shop in beate-use-shops, I can join the part of the video library with the really bad stuff (I guess I already watched it at Felix' house but its still a good feeling) and I can buy stuff like cigarrettes and alcohol. Well, I guess there are some good things when you're 18. Heh heh
Anyway, just a few more weeks than we're back and make some more jackass-stuff for you. Just be patient.

Love, Jacky

The Joker and Jacky
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Yeah yeah, our little jackass-chick really gotten into this movie...we watched it a hundred times (in english of course!) and she still want to watch it!
Heath Ledger really played this role well and I was impressed too. I've never saw such an psychophatic villain before! And Jacky too. Basicly his voice gives us creeps!!!! What an evil and scary voice that was, huh?! Man, I was so into this movie I don't noticed anything around me when he was talking.
Well, Jacky is probably watching this movie right now so I'll call her and ask if she want some company.

Bye bye, Josh

Don't worry, I'm fine!
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Didn't thought my bad mood freak so many people out. Ha Ha Ha! Just kiddin..
Yes, its true, I'm really suffering right now and I'm sorry about that. I don't know why this happens every time I see a good villain in a movie but it just happens so I guess I have to deal with it.
But don't worry, I feel better already! And actually its a good sign when I feel so bad after a movie so GO WATCH IT!!! I'm serious, its one of the best movies ever, and I really don't like superhero-movies.

But I have a really good story about the first time we watched the movie!

Well, the first time I saw this movie I was at Basti's house with Malex, a good friend of mine. We watched it in English of course!
The intro was amazing. The best intro I've ever saw! The joker came down to this hurt guy and said: "I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger!". First thing I said was: "Fuck yeah! Now we're talking!"
We didn't drank alcohol that day because we seriously wanted to see that movie without gettin silly or somethin' and it seemed to work out pretty good.

Best scene was in jail when batman kicked his ass and he just laughed and did one bad comment after another. We cracked up so bad there!
Man, look at his arms! Holy f**k! They're huge! That's what I saw at the hospital and I guess I also said it that way...Heh heh
Anyway, the end was not that good because...I don't know it just sucked pretty bad!
But the movie itself was great. I saw it 60 times now I guess and I could watch it another 60 times, thats for sure!
So I'm suffering right now, that's true but I'm fine. I'll come back in a few days when big bossy is back too. Till that: WATCH THE DARK KNIGHT

Love, Jacky

Stifler and Jacky???
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We saw "American Pie" last week with Klaus, Denny and some hot chicks. I really didn't get a lot of the movie but at one scene I said: "Holy shit! That really reminds me at Jacky!"
It was the scene with Stifler and his friends when they got into the lesbians-house and talked to the girls. It was the way Stifler treated his friends and the way he talks anyway...its amazing!
It reminded me at a scene when Jacky, Collin (my cousin), Bastian and me stucked at my sisters house. My sister had some girlsfriends there and they were a lil drunk when we came by. We actually just wanted to pick something up but it started rainin and a caraccident happens two streets away from her house. So we stayed there and waited for news. 
After an hour the girls were more drunk than before and we starting playing "spin the bottle". My sister and her friend Alana started a really interesting conversation about lesbian with Jacky. She admited that she f**ked a girl that one time but she's not lesbian. So they dared her and...well, now its gettin a little bit too far but lets just say it was a whole lot of fun that night! I'm still dreaming and masturbating because of that! HaHaHaHaHa


I'm going to hell...I hope I'll burn well!
posted by: Jacky

I did something bad...again. And I'm sure I'm going to hell for that. Well, I'm going to hell anyway but this one proofes it again, I'm a bad bad girl....heh heh
Started at Timos house. They had a little barbeque with their friends and Basti and me were there to pick something up. But then Timo gives us some meat and stuff from the grill so we stayed.
Anyway, we started to get bored so Basti insert "The dark knight". Poorly we forgot little Lina...she is the blonde little girl I watched for when the police came by and had the wrong adress.
She joined us and we didn't sent her away because I thought its not so bad if she watchs such a good movie. I thought she might likes it and value the great acting of Heath Ledger.
Unfortunately she didn't know Heath Ledger........long story short, she had bad nightmares for three days and her mommy (Kati) was very mad at me...again.
I'm sorry Kati, I really didn't mean to scare her! I'm a little rough with kids I guess. Thats why we were pretty rough when we were kids. I saw scary-movies the first time when I was 4 years old and after that constantly.

Please forgive me, I'm a fool, I know! Hope Lina is better now. She's a taff girl, she'll gets over it, that's for sure!

Love, Jacky

Jacky and her favourite hobby
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Man she really got into that game.....
I guess she plays whenever she has time for it and thats the reason she is so good at this fucking game! Yes IAM jealious at her cos i played that freakin game for month and i still suck!! She plays it 4 weeks and act like a pro...thats just not fair!
But she gets drilled on that game from all sides. Her lil cousin i believe teachs her to play better and now his father joined him and is now Jackys "Trainer". Markus made her play with his shockcollar so she couldn't deciede. I guess her eyes are about to melt when she played for Markus! Poor little girl.......


Amazing Jacky and Collin broke the record!
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Its just amazing how this sensational performance just went down yesterday! The office was a whole big party and even our bigboss celebrated with us. Jacky and her little friend Collin kicked ass and blew us away! Collin is Ralf his nephew and he brought him to the filmings and some events a few times. He is 12 years old and everyone knows that he has a crush on Jacky. Little guy wouldn't admit it but we all know it!
Both impressed us so much this weekend when they performed like they'd played together every day. A perfect team. Funniest parts of their show was definitely when they played the solos from a few songs with standin face to face, big grin in their faces playin without looking on the screen. Sensational!
At the end of the show they got on their knees and sang along while they were playin the last solo. We laughed a lot and thank you both for this great and funny day!
We'd love to see this show again with both of you and maby Collin got the spunk to tell Jacky his true feeling! Heh heh just kiddin around.

Love, Josh

Vote Jesus
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This is a T-Shirt from a work college from me. We laughed so much about it so i decided to put it in here. Actually Micheal Mittermeier wore this first at his fantastic live program "Paraniod". In fact we're not religion or something but we do should wear this shirt. Its just funny stuff and i don't think its that much religion. You can also see this as a joke.
But whatever i didn't bought it anyway i just thought it was funny......


Welcome to! We got everything
you wanna know about jackass and skatestuff. So
enjoy it!

Some new Events are coming in 2009! Don't miss it, the adress and more infos are on the site

The Motorcicle-stunt
Will she or wont she? Well, Jacky will tell ya. We gave her a videocamera and she made a little clip for you to apalogize.

GuitarHero blew all of us away and kicked ass! We played it for straight a week and look what came out...

An X-Mas special is coming this year, what a surprise for all of us

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